Thursday, November 8, 2007


This incident happened 2 weeks a small pub at boat quay...i have heard the most painful song in my life...安静 by jay...IN is like a few chinese english word...damn...the 2 waitresses is still happily singing it...menacing i must say...=<

安静-Truly English ver.... okok done by Dog..

With the piano slowly playing away
The cello slept away without sound it seems so old

I've guessed you've tried to showed your understanding
But from deep inside i know you have shown no regrets

You said you were hurt by this i don't believe
The times we spend seems so far away
If he really cared so much more than i do
Then i have no choice to but to let go

It seems so hard to speak up i've never want to give up
And why you want me to leave with a smile
Such talent is what i don't have please hope you understand them
Don't worry bout me too much i will live through this alone
You've took your flight far enough and i will start walking now
But why would my thought still lingered of you
It seems so childish of me i should not have spoken too much
The choice of letting you go it's cause love to too much

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